Today, I made a decision that is rooted in defiance, in frustration, and in a burning desire to fight back against a system that has never had my back. I’ve requested to have myself removed from the organ donor registry. I’m following the lead of other "woke women" who have done the same, and let me tell you, their reasoning makes perfect sense to me.

This is a giant "fxck you" to the movement sparked by MAGA maggots who love to chant "your body, my choice." This is a statement against the brainwashed women who parrot the line "our body, your choice" — as if my body should be at the disposal of a system that devalues me as a woman, as a Black woman, and as a human being.
Let’s be clear: this society does not give a damn about me. During moments when my life were threatened in the pasts, many didn't not even bat an eye. They certainly don’t have any interest in making sure that my children and I have access to proper healthcare, preventative care, or any of the basic things that should be a given for anyone working their ass off in this country. I’m living that harsh reality right now, struggling to make ends meet, struggling to ensure that my son with special needs gets the care he needs — and I work full-time while also running a small business. But even with all of that, I can’t afford the healthcare that could make a real difference in our lives.
And you know what? I’m not going to sit back and allow my body to be used to benefit those who hate me, who have never valued me as a woman, and who continue to dehumanize me at every turn. Why should my body — something I work hard to maintain — go to anyone who would rather see me suffer in life and in death? Hell no. I’m not going to let them take that from me.
I know the backlash I’ll get. I know some people will call me selfish, say I’m being extreme. But let me tell you something: this country’s priorities are twisted. It’s absolutely disgusting that in a place where hard work is supposed to be rewarded, there are people like me — working our asses off, contributing to the economy — who still can’t afford basic health care. Yet I’m expected to offer my organs to a system that would never lift a finger to make sure I can keep myself or my children healthy.
So, no. I won’t give my body to those who would exploit it. I won’t donate my organs to those who don’t care about me when I’m alive, and I’m not going to let them benefit from it once I’m gone. Let them figure it out themselves. Maybe they can stop exploiting people like me and start actually giving a damn about the real issues in this country.
F that! F them. And f this system that forces us to give more when we’re already being drained dry.
~ Darling Nikki
Related YouTube Video: link coming soon!